Help & support


I purchased my subscription via Curio’s website directly.

We are tremendously grateful for your support of Curio and would like to provide you with three months free to try out and explore this new experience. 

We have frozen any scheduled payments for your subscription during these three months. 

◦If you are on a monthly plan, you will not be charged for the next three months starting August 21st and will receive an additional three months for free. 

◦If you are on an annual plan, your subscription has been extended by an additional three months for free.

Can I still access Curio’s content? 

Currently, Curio is only available to download on iPhones. (However, rest assured our teams are working hard to provide an Android and web-friendly experience very soon.)

Want other helpful tips for exploring the new app? Check out our top tips page here

Still not sure how to access the new update? Drop our team an email at We are here to help.